Dear Arctic,
Halito, chim achuckma (Hello, how are you)? I have not known you for very long and I am very grateful for the opportunity to have been in your presence. Your pristine beauty, ever-changing landscape, and raw power are a reminder that the Earth is a powerful living spirit. Being here in your presence has been a reminder that everything is sacred. You have many teachings to give if one can simply take the time to look and listen. I have been blessed with a visit with you recently.
As an indigenous person, I believe that everything is related. This perception and part of my identity has been strengthened since meeting you. You have reminded me that nothing is permanent, and that life is in a constant state of flux. This impermanence is what makes you truly unique and yet vulnerable to the changes brought on by humankind. Your resilience is inspiring and proof that life can survive in one of the harshest environments on the planet. The lessons I have been gifted from our time together is that one needs to be adaptable to change, one should take time to enjoy the little moments in life because they will soon come to pass, and in turbulent times it is easier to just go with the floe.
Yakoke (Thank you) for your time and for the lessons in life! Goodbye for now and until we meet again my friend.
Jackson Osborn